Zube’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
This statement describes the steps ZUBE has taken to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business. Modern slavery takes various forms, such as: slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking. They all deprive a person of liberty which could be for personal or commercial gain through exploitation, which is a crime and also a violation of fundamental human rights.
ZUBE is committed to combating slavery and human trafficking in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Organisational structure
ZUBE provides sustainable laundry services and drycleaning to students residing in North East England, UK. ZUBE recognises that a collaborative approach is needed.
We set high standards to our suppliers to ensure, among others, the respect for human rights and labour rights in their organisations are understood and met. We set out our requirements for minimum living wages, child labour, working conditions and labour rights.
Due Diligence
We seek to minimise the adverse impacts of our business in our own operations as well as our other direct, and in-direct business connections. Our due diligence procedures are based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human rights, and the International Labour Organisation principles.
• Identify, prevent and mitigate any risk of adverse impact on human rights in all our operations and business relationships
• Consider any adverse impact we may cause or contribute to through our direct, or in-direct practices, as well as the adverse impact we may cause or contribute to within our business
• Remediate any direct or indirect adverse impact that our business operations have on human rights
• Promote the respect for human rights among our employees, partners, suppliers and other business relations
• Report on and account for our work with human rights continuously and once a year
• Based on our due diligence process we have identified that the highest risk of violating human rights may be in some areas of our supply chain. We have identified forced labour, discrimination and child labour to be forms of slavery and human trafficking that could occur.
In order to avoid adverse impact on human rights in our supply chain, we take necessary measures to improve working conditions for the workers and to protect their rights. The foundation of our due diligence in the supply chain is through internal audits to ensure that we are in compliance. This way we can identify issues that may need to be prevented, mitigated or remediated, and strengthen our knowledge about where and how to engage further. Our aim is to help create a strong foundation for management and workers, which they can use in their further joint efforts to ensure workers’ rights in every area of our direct and in-direct workforce.

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